Your Investigation & Protection Solution
Pro-West Investigation & Protection Inc. (PWIP) is one of Alberta's premier investigation and protection agencies, offering a full range of risk mitigation, investigation and security consultation services to the private, public and corporate sectors, throughout Western Canada. PWIP is a fully accredited agency employing only experienced, licensed investigators, analysts and security professionals in the industry.
Types of Investigations
Criminal & Civil Investigations, Person & Asset Locate, Open Source Intelligence Reports, Child Custody & Divorce, Litigation Support, Surveillance, Workplace Investigations, Harassment & Discrimination, Corporate Investigations, Asset Protection, Insurance Fraud, Serious Injury and Fatality OH&S Investigations, Background Investigation, Witness Interviews, Human Resource Support, Misuse of Company Assets, Expert Testimony, Suspicious Activity, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
Types of Security
Security Consultation including CPTED, AGM & VIP Security, Private & Corporate Security, High Risk Terminations, Plant Site Security, Camp Security, Rig Security, Pipeline Security, Road Monitoring, K-9 Investigations, Risk Mitigation & Assessments, Protests & Strikes
Pro-West Investigation & Protection is founded on Integrity, Confidentiality and Accountability.
​Please feel free to contact PWIP for a no obligation consultation.